The Clinic
Tag Archives: Tian Gui
The Interaction between Kidney Qi, Tiangui, and the Chong Meridian in Menstrual Physiology
Author: Yuxiang Wang This paper is a study on the theory of menstrual physiology in Chinese medicine. The author advances the theory that menstrual physiology relies on the Qihua (Qi activity for the transformation of material) of Kidney which is … Continue reading
Posted in Academic, Healthy Life, Lectures & Articles, Uncategorized
Tagged acupuncture, alternative, alternative medicine, balance, bleeding, blood, Chinese herbs, chinese medicine, Chong, Chong Meridian, decoction, deficiency, excess, gynecology, harmony, health, herbs, kidney deficiency, Kidney Qi, menopause, menses, menstruation, moxibustion, oriental, oriental medicine, period, physiology, Ren, Ren merdian, Tian Gui, Tiangui, traditional Chinese medicine, transition, treatment, woman, woman's health, women, women's health
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